How Should You Be Hydrating During Extreme Heat Wave Temperatures

Posted in Cooling Equipment, Health, Hydration at Work on August 03, 2023
Author: Sofia Chifari

As the scorching heat of summer reaches its peak, industrial workers face unprecedented challenges in maintaining their health and well-being. Proper hydration becomes crucial with soaring temperatures and intense heat waves become more frequent and intense. Dehydration poses significant risks to workers, affecting their productivity, safety, and overall health. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of hydration for industrial workers during extreme heat wave temperatures and explore effective strategies for keeping them hydrated throughout the workday.

Understanding the Importance of Hydration

Proper hydration is crucial for industrial workers as it directly impacts their physical and cognitive performance. During heat waves, the body expends more energy to regulate internal temperature leading to increased sweating. This process can quickly deplete essential fluids, electrolytes, and vital minerals, causing dehydration. Dehydration affects workers' concentration, alertness, and reaction time, impairing their ability to make sound decisions and increasing the likelihood of accidents. It can also lead to heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which are potentially life-threatening conditions.

Challenges Faced by Industrial Workers

Industrial work environments often exacerbate the challenges of staying hydrated during extreme heat. Many workers may be exposed to direct sunlight, high temperatures, and physically demanding tasks, causing them to sweat profusely. High temperatures can cause physical exhaustion more quickly, affecting workers' ability to perform physically demanding labor and increasing the risk of accidents and injuries. Heat-induced fatigue can impair workers' focus and concentration, increasing the likelihood of workplace accidents, especially in hazardous industrial settings. Additionally, access to water and adequate breaks may be limited in certain industrial workplaces, making hydration management a critical concern and making it challenging for workers to stay properly hydrated.

Effective Strategies for Staying Hydrated

1. Drink Ample Water Regularly

Encourage workers to drink water frequently throughout the day, even if they don't feel thirsty. Waiting until thirst sets in can lead to a state of dehydration. Employers should provide easy access to portable water stations near work areas. Managers must prioritize the provision of clean and cold drinking water to ensure adequate hydration for their workforce. A great way to do this is to install water coolers or hydration stations at easily accessible points throughout the worksite, accompanied by recyclable paper cups. Regularly monitor and refill these stations to maintain an uninterrupted water supply. To minimize the need for frequent refills, consider providing water bottles in bulk, offering a convenient one-stop solution for your crew. For another refreshing approach, some managers opt for freezers stocked with electrolyte-replenishing freezer pops, like Sqwincher Squeeze freezer pops. These freezer pops offer a delightful way to restore electrolytes during demanding work in hot conditions. The frozen format provides added heat relief, effectively regulating body temperature for optimal performance. Moreover, freezer pops prove invaluable for locations where water accessibility is limited, ensuring all workers can stay hydrated even in challenging environments.

2. Electrolyte Replacement

Besides water, consider offering hydration alternatives like electrolyte-replenishment beverages. These options effectively restore crucial electrolytes lost through sweating during physical exertion or humid weather. When selecting hydration products, prioritize those that contribute to workers' electrolyte intake. Essential electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are vital for fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. A great solution is to provide Vitalyte powder packets to help maintain adequate hydration and convenience because they are lightweight and easy to carry while on the job. As the world’s most recognized sports drink brand, Gatorade also offers convenient cans to carry on the job site. Both Gatorade 11.6 oz cans and Vitalyte powder sticks, provide essential electrolytes to replenish what the body loses during physical activity. For a healthier alternative with no added sugars, 10 oz Sqwincher Zero Sugar Stik Powder provides electrolyte replenishment without the drawbacks of excess sugar. Opting for products with minimal or zero sugar content is crucial to avoid energy fluctuations and potential health risks associated with high sugar intake. For workers concerned with their caloric intake, Propel zero-calorie single powder sticks cater to that preference and are equally as hydrating. Ensure sustained hydration during the summer heat by choosing wisely among these electrolyte options.

3. Encourage Shade and Rest Breaks

Ensure your workers' safety by implementing additional precautions during heat waves. Allow workers to take regular breaks in shaded areas to cool down and recover from heat exposure. Scheduling rest breaks is crucial for preventing heat-related illnesses. Enhance the work environment's comfort with cooling equipment such as evaporative fans or misting systems. Equipping your crew with personal protective equipment (PPE) like cooling gear and cooling towels will help them stay refreshed, regulating their body temperature effectively. Placing a soaked towel on the back of the neck or forehead can significantly reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion or heatstroke. In addition, wearing a Cooling safety vest is a great lightweight substitute for all-day PPE wear. The safety vest is also great for low light or nighttime operations, preventing accidents with highly visible gear. Moreover, consider providing a minimum thirty-minute break period to optimize productivity and energy levels at the job site. As a result, adequate cooling downtime will result in improved performance and overall well-being.

4. Educate Workers

Conduct training sessions to raise awareness about the importance of hydration and the signs of dehydration and heat-related illnesses. Empower workers to recognize symptoms and take necessary precautions. Effective communication is key in highlighting the significance of hydration. Ensure your workforce is well-informed about the risks associated with dehydration and the advantages of staying properly hydrated. Clearly outline the necessity of regular water consumption, particularly in hot weather conditions. It is also important to emphasize hydrating before, during, and after their shifts, regardless of their thirst level. Consistently monitor their water intake and remind them of its vital role in maintaining productivity and overall well-being. There is no room for compromise when reinforcing the seriousness of hydration; even a single catastrophic event due to heat illnesses is unacceptable.


During extreme heat wave temperatures, maintaining proper hydration is not just a matter of comfort; it is a crucial factor in ensuring the safety and well-being of industrial workers. By adopting proactive hydration strategies, employers can safeguard their workforce from the risks of dehydration and heat-related illnesses, while boosting productivity and maintaining a positive work environment. Prioritizing hydration during extreme heat will contribute to a healthier and more resilient workforce, capable of facing the challenges of demanding industrial environments with confidence and efficiency.

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