Frequently Asked Questions

Can I mix and match products for quantity discounts?

Yes, you can mix and match any of the Gatorade items we sell for quantity discounts except equipment.

Do Gatorade Powders have an expiration date?

No, but there is a best buy date on all products which allow for approx 2 years of shelf life on all Gatorade powder products..

How long will it take for me to receive my order?

We ship standard Fed Ex from Florida for all orders under $3000.00. Orders over $3000.00 will ship direct from Texas via truck freight. There may be some additional time required for delivery for truck freight orders. Please call if you need a specific delivery date for large orders. We quote a delivery time of 2-3 weeks.

Can I drink Gatorade even if I'm not active?

Absolutely. Although Gatorade is formulated for when you are hot, sweaty and thirsty, it can be consumed just like any other beverage. Keep in mind that Gatorade contains only about 50% of the calories of fruit juices and regular soft drinks.

When should I drink Gatorade?

You can drink Gatorade anytime you are thirsty. Gatorade is not just for serious athletes, but can benefit all of us who enjoy being physically active.

Why is Gatorade better than water?

To learn more about why water does not put back everything that is lost through sweat, visit the Science of Hydration section of this web site.

Should Bottled Gatorade be diluted 50:50 with water?

No it should not. Diluting Gatorade reduces its effectiveness because doing so waters down the taste, reduces the amount of carbohydrate that can be delivered to active muscles, and dilutes the sodium necessary for complete rehydration.

How do I know how much water to mix with the powdered Gatorade?

Each of the powder packs is made to mix with a certain amount of water, as is indicated on each pack. Industrial packs come in 1 quart, I gallon, 2.5 gallon and 6 gallon.

That is why care must be taken anytime Gatorade powder is mixed. Adding too much or too little water to the mix will adversely affect Gatorade efficacy.

Why is Gatorade better than other sports drinks?

Over thirty years of scientific research has gone into Gatorade to assure that its formula is optimal. Some other drinks call themselves sports drinks but do not have the right blend of carbohydrates, electrolytes, and flavoring to rapidly put back the stuff the body needs during physical activity.

How is Gatorade different from energy drinks?

Gatorade is a thirst quencher, a fluid replacement beverage for use when people are hot and thirsty. 'Energy' drinks (such as Lucozade, Red Bull, CarboPlex, and a variety of others) are closer in composition to Gatorade Performance Series Energy Drink- and are formulated to provide a concentrated source of carbohydrates.

Many of the energy drinks contain caffeine and about three times as much carbohydrate as Gatorade, as well as other substances like ginseng, taurine, etc.

As a result, these drinks slow fluid absorption and should not be used for those occasions when rapid replacement of fluid, carbohydrates and electrolytes is important.

Can diabetics drink Gatorade?

Yes, diabetics can actually benefit from Gatorade. Physically active diabetics who require periodic intake of carbohydrate to prevent hypoglycemia from occurring during and following activity should consume carbs during exercise.

Also, people with diabetes are prone to dehydration by way of their increased urine output, and Gatorade can help in that regard as well. People with diabetes should always consult a physician before making any change in dietary intake.

Gatorade Packaging, Shelf-Life and Storage*

How long can I keep a bottle of opened Gatorade to drink later?

Once opened, Gatorade should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 3-5 days after opening.

What is the shelf life of an unopened Gatorade?

For optimal flavor, the product should be consumed within 9 months or less.

Where is the date on the Gatorade bottle? What does it stand for?

The date on the first line of the neck of the bottle indicates when Gatorade is at its optimal freshness and flavor. Gatorade can be safely consumed past that date if the seal is intact and the product has been stored in a clean, dry, cool environment.

Why aren't tamper bands on all Gatorade packages?

Gatorade plastic caps have bands that separate once the cap has been loosened. Tamper bands are used on caps that don't have built in tamper evidency including 24-ounce sports cap.

What is the best temperature for storing Gatorade? How about powder?

Liquid Gatorade will store best when kept at refrigerator temperature, about 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Powder should be kept in a cool (about 70 degrees Fahrenheit or less), dry place.

Are the plastic Gatorade bottles recyclable?

Yes. Additionally, Gatorade is constantly working to reduce the amount of material used to make a bottle. In fact, a 20-oz. Gatorade Thirst Quencher bottle weighs 10 percent less than it did in 1998.

Usage Guidelines*

When should I drink Gatorade?

You can drink Gatorade anytime you are thirsty. Gatorade is not just for serious athletes, but can benefit all of us who enjoy being physically active.

Why do people need electrolytes when they aren't competing or working out?

Athletes and active people sometimes do a poor job of rehydrating themselves. Electrolytes, particularly sodium, are critical for proper hydration, helping maintain electrolyte balance, and helping your body hold on to the fluid it needs.

Why is Gatorade better than water?

Gatorade is specially formulated to give athletes what water cannot. Studies have shown that athletes who hydrate with Gatorade perform better than when they drank just water. The performance improvements included the ability to exercise longer before fatigue (1, 2), maintaining a faster sprint speed (3, 5) and exhibiting higher explosive power (4, 5 ) in the second half of a competition period.

The studies show what the inventors of Gatorade hypothesized over 40 years ago when faced with the task of determining why many Florida Gator players were both under-performing and succumbing to the effects of heat and heat related illnesses: when it comes to optimal field performance, water isn't enough.

1. Davis JM, et al. Effects of carbohydrate and chromium ingestion during intermittent high-intensity exercise to fatigue. Int J Sports Nutr 10:476'485, 2000. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)
2. Davis JM, et al. Effects of branched-chain amino acids and carbohydrate on fatigue during intermittent, high-intensity running. Int J Sports Nutr 20:309'314. 1999. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)
3. Dougherty KA, et al. Two percent dehydration impairs and six percent carbohydrate improves boys basketball skills. Med Sci Sports Exerc 38:1650-1658, 2006. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)
4. Fritzsche RG, et al. Water and carbohydrate ingestion during prolonged exercise increase maximal neuromuscular power. J Appl Physiol 88:730'737, 2000. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)
5. Winnick JJ, et al. Carbohydrate feedings during team sport exercise preserve physical and CNS function. Med Sci Sports Exerc 37:306-315, 2005. (Full disclosure: GSSI funded study)

Why should I refrigerate Gatorade?

Gatorade tastes best when refrigerated. Additionally, refrigeration is recommended to avoid spoilage. Under normal conditions, Gatorade will stay fresh about 3-5 days in a refrigerator if tightly capped and refrigerated within 24 hours of opening.

Do I need to shake Gatorade before consuming?

Some flavors are naturally cloudy due to high flavor oil content. Cloud can be difficult to keep in solution over time and can occasionally settle on the bottom of the bottle or rise to the top. For that reason, we recommend shaking Gatorade prior to opening.

Should Gatorade be diluted 50:50 with water?

No it should not. Diluting Gatorade reduces its effectiveness because doing so waters down the taste, reduces the amount of carbohydrate that can be delivered to active muscles, and dilutes the electrolytes necessary to promote rehydration. That is why care must be taken anytime Gatorade powder is mixed. Adding too much or too little water to the mix will adversely affect Gatorade effectiveness.

Why is Gatorade better than other sports drinks?

More than forty years of scientific research has gone into Gatorade to assure its formula is optimal. Gatorade is the most thoroughly researched beverage in the world nothing rehydrates, refuels or replenishes better.

How is Gatorade different from energy drinks?

Gatorade is a thirst quencher, a fluid replacement beverage for use when people are hot and thirsty. Many energy drinks contain caffeine (to deliver a perceived vs. real energy 'buzz') and about three times as much carbohydrate as Gatorade, as well as other substances like ginseng, taurine, etc. As a result, these drinks slow fluid absorption and should not be used for those occasions when rapid replacement of fluid, carbohydrates and electrolytes is important.

Can people with diabetes drink Gatorade?

Yes, diabetics can actually benefit from Gatorade. Physically active diabetics who require periodic intake of carbohydrate to prevent hypoglycemia from occurring during and following activity should consume carbs during exercise. Also, people with diabetes are prone to dehydration by way of their increased urine output, and Gatorade can help in that regard as well. People with diabetes should always consult a physician before making any change in dietary intake.

*Data provided by Gatorade

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